Thursday 3 April 2014

The Small Invention that will Revolutionalise Your Workout

This is such a simple idea again, but it holds so much potential.

For anyone that works out you will know both the innate need to listen to music while you exercise, and the subsequent hassle that it can cause. 

If I had a dollar for every time I managed to tangle or pull on my earphone cords and have my phone slam onto the ground, drawing the attention of the entire gym onto my sheepish face, I would have at least 5 dollars. But still, it's so frustrating. You're trying to work out. The music is meant to help you. When this sort of thing happens it only tends to hinder the process and worsen my mood. 

Along comes The Dash, the latest invention for this particular niche and it is a good one. Wireless earphones, reminiscent of the ones seen in the aforementioned movie Her, allow the user to store 1000 songs on the cord free device and control the amount of ambient noise, as well as allowing you to track your progress and make bluetooth phone calls.

Magical. Here's hoping Apple buy, borrow or steal this idea to release it with their next product range. 

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